Mick is participating in Akimbo and is making demos to show other musicians what could be on the next record and get their feedback. Many Rivers is a cover that could benefit from some collaboration.
Love this quote from Author Judy Moore especially in this circumstance, "Songs can be like photos, they hold a memory, a moment, and thoughts that keep you warm inside."
In 1969 young men where being drafted and sent to Vietnam by the use of a Lottery system. Each birthday got pulled and the earliest picks got called. The first song Mick ever wrote was his celebration of getting one of the highest numbers 352.

"I've burned up 7 lives and I've used up all my charms, I took the long way home just to end up in your arms" from Rosanne Cash's song A Feathers Not a Bird
Today Anna Max is being presented to the Akimbo Creativity Workshop as a possible song on the next album.
The only cover on One Silken Scarf was a tune from Tony Cardo called Lullaby of Love. Here's a slice of another Tony song that shows off his beautiful optimism.

Be a boss. Date a boss. Build an empire. – Unknown
A power couple is an indestructible force.
A new Hold Me Tight demo. Inside the Akimbo Creativity Workshop a lot of Musicians, Artists, Writers, Chefs and Coaches are collaborating to bring new things to market. This is an opportunity to finish a song that couldn't be finished.
Romance is still in the air after Valentines week. Van Morrison's Crazy Love is a sweet cover to extend the celebration.
Enjoy your audience. While working on a video in the backyard Mick gets to banter with the audience as she takes out the trash next door.
Owned No More is a freedom celebration. About 8 years ago Mick and Fizale took a driving trip to Mexico. On the way back they got to jam in Oakland and this song was born.